Look out — Here We Come……

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We’re packed and ready to go….we are heading to Hwy #101 South….first stop is Yuma to see my brother and get rid of a couple bags and a huge picture frame…LOL  birthday presents and stuff I am handing off….then it will depend on the weather where we will head from there, we will end out trip back in Yuma for Thanksgiving….I am so ready to be on a road trip….the dog won’t let us out of her sight…she will not be left behind…she loves to travel as much as we do…

I am not ignoring anyone, but unless we have Wi-Fi I won’t be able to get on here, my phone is just a cheap Motorola, and it takes forever to get on the WP site…

I have had a good day….my knee is about 50% better…so that’s a good thing…I skipped the gym again, no way am I going to irritate it more before we start out on a road trip….foods been just okay..I need to get my self back on a low calorie quota again…did okay yesterday…I am over 1500 today….so looking forward to being on the road and getting into routine, I seem to be floundering here….getting back on the wagon is harder than I would like…not sure why but foundering is the only thought that comes to my mind..I am thinking the pastry….sugar….yeast….it is like my heroine….I know its my trigger so I just need to buckle down and fight through it….I am guessing the urges, desires and wants are always gonna be there when it comes to my trigger foods….dam those pastries…..dam my weakness….oh hum….big sigh….

so until I can find Wi-Fi…..kat


12106729_10204921445455917_2377877269605823466_n Another beautiful sunset…I can’t get enough..

Good day besides sleeping in…I have been having a bit of the night owl syndrome…can’t get to sleep until after midnight… up and at em this morning…made a big batch of baked chicken breast and carrots…waited for my husband MD office to open at 10:30, must be nice…anyway made him an appointment and then I was off to the gym…had a great work out…always helps to see your results….makes you push harder and stronger… got a good sweat on and even had a good burn going on my legs….OMG I am using gym talk…LOL  then off to the pool…switched it up a little, doing a good 15 minute jog then 15 minutes of water aerobics and then back to another 15 minutes jog….so I was at the gym for a couple hours today…felt good…

Arthritis is there…I am not sure if loosing weight has caused my hip joint to act up, but I am unable to sleep on one of my hips….not sure why…still working on that one…exercise doesn’t hurt it, more when I lay down…Hummmm….I’ll figure it out…

Food is way better today, even thought I was under my 1000 calories yesterday I was at the high end of the carb range….but today I was low, and high on my protein…yay….but alls good…doing well…

sitting here yawning so heading to bed…

until tomorrow….

Ahhhh at the Pacific Coast….

In Oregon, Lincoln City, way to many tourist….we have decided that we will not travel in July and August anymore….wait for the schools to start..lol..oh well we are enjoying ourselves…..overcast today, but not cold, we may wake up to rain, but who knows…Just glad to be out of the smoke and fire areas…

I am adding some pictures I’ve taken (with my cell phone)  you can see the smoke around the Three Sisters….(volcanos along the middle of Oregon) took a scenic road over a small pass and the top was a crater, and as far as you could see was what they had phrased as a Sea of Lava. and the road down from the pass on the way to Eugene was a beautiful tree lined crooked road….took an hour and a half to drive the 28 miles…


Then we spent the night at Richardson’s RV and Marina campground by Junction City, very peaceful, quiet park, no campfires allowed, actually every we have gone there are signs out no campfires/fires of any kind…In the  morning we took the 45 minutes drive to the coast highway 101….cloudy but smoke free….yay!!  We have landed and are kicked back enjoying the ride….My husband actually made enough at the casino to pay for to nights park….he did good!!!

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Tomorrow just going up the road 25 miles to Cape Kiwanda and splurging on a resort like RV spot…they even have a huge pool….guess I will get my exercise tomorrow…LOL…and the ocean is right beside us….staying there a few days…time to sit in one place more that a few hours…

Eating went well today…just over 1000cal @ 1120…damn the gummy bears!!! LOL I generally don’t like them but I bought them, and they were yummy while playing a game with my husband….10 gummy bears is 86 calories…not to bad but the rest of day went well…missing my popsicles in the evening….but dealing with it….

Curious to see how long it takes my joints to start aching…good ole ocean air, damp and cool..always makes the joints happy….LOL

soooo Until tomorrow….

Away we go again…

Well we off for another adventure…Idaho bound….back on track today…feeling balanced and a lot more in control….yeah…so I am looking forward to seeing more of the country and enjoying some peaceful camping….so will try to keep up on my post on the cell if we don’t have any wi-fi..and hopefully we will have cell phone…so until then…..I am back at it ….