Thursday….oh hummm

Greetings…..been doing well up until yesterday…I did something really stupid all in the name of protecting my precious plants….we had our new pest control guy out to spray under the house and around the yard…of course , I was extremely concerned about my  loved plants that I sing to on a daily basis…so I stupidly hung out watching him like a hawk….after all he had a very long, thick, yellow hose full of poison …hummmm didn’t the full body suit, gloves, goggles and breathing mask that he donned before spraying alert me….apparently not!!!  Nope…looked right past that…it wasn’t until he left that I felt woozy, headache, upset stomach, big black spots in front of me….guess had I been an arachnoid I would of been Ka-put!!!!   Showered felt like burning my clothes and spent the afternoon drinking bottle after bottle of water….and sitting in front of the fan…went to the pool to get some water relief…I actually felt like I had come out of anesthesia, the taste in my mouth and the feeling…how frigin crazy can I be!!!!  The worst part of this was I felt like I was starving…I couldn’t stop eating….the more I ate the better I felt…I had done great  up until about 4pm….then it was nonstop grazing until I went to bed at 9p…I had a bad night, woke up couple times swearing someone was in my room, a little scary…but by morning the spots left and the nasty taste in my mouth was gone…next time I will not follow him around, I will spy out the windows…and they will be using green spray…okay for plants and trees…and has a citrus odor instead of ether….Aghhh!!!   I am sure I burned out several healthy brain cells…hell I don’t have enough good ones left to be doing that!!!!  Good thing was, no termites, whooo hooo just spiders and ants….

Beside yesterday, my calories have been from 1000 to 1400 daily, getting exercise, and going to the pool…busy working outside…seems like I scheduled everything for this week…LOL  so feeling good about where I am at with my weight loss journey….

Got the truck back on Tuesday…..husband out double checking everyone’s work…still has a little miss, he found the brand new plugs not gapped correctly, one was almost closed, can’t trust anyone’s work anymore…we just dropped a couple grand to get the heads and a new fuel pump installed…oh well she is not ever going back to the shop….its all about drive till she stops running…we recently put the silver sun screen up in the Arizona room, well my husband got a bee in his bonnet and thought we should put it on the inside of the screens so it is outside the windows keeping the windows from heating up, sounded like a good theory so we finished that project this morning…LOL   and Shed will be here tomorrow, they will be here to fix the carport roof and we have a meeting with the soft water lady, the water here has an odor and we want it gone, so she will be talking to us how we can fix that….so another busy day in Paradise…and oh yes….we will be playing in bricks some more out back…the path to the old shed will need to be taken up and a new one laid in front of the new shed…well its really more like a cottage so it will take so thought before she gets her patio out front…LOL

So until later….


Saturday…..hummmm de dummm

Well I did it…. I really did it….I texted a friend early this morning the word – gym???  thinking if I ask someone to go with me then I have to go…no excuses, well unless she drives herself then I can still stay home if I want….I was hoping she was still sleeping….nope….she texted back when?  I said 11a – and went ahead and added –  wanna ride??….she said Yup!!….and there it was….I had to go, no way out…so I went to the gym….10 weeks away and can I ever tell…pretty pathetic actually….I knew enough to start out easy, not to heavy weights, well I didn’t have a choice…LOL  I couldn’t lift anything where I was 10 weeks ago…so I start over…I even got a quarter mile in on the tread mill…I know I hear you, that’s all!!!  Well for me and my arthritic knee, that was a lot…so was happy with that…I can tell you my arms are a little sore tonight, mostly focused on them and the abductors… knee and ankles weren’t having any part of the there machines today…I even made an appointment with the trainer on Tuesday for an hour with her – so lookin forward to that.  Then I went to the pool,  spent 40 minutes there and was just getting my jogging started when in walked a family with 2 small boys…one screaming and not having any part of swimming…that was enough for me to head out…but I also was up and outside at 7a to finish the brick project…sweeping sand in the cracks and then shoveling the rest into the wheel barrow to spread out front the gate…worked up a real good sweat doing that….

14199650_10207006526501640_2921255330290763230_n….but soooo happy the little project is done…whooo hoooo

I was laying in bed this morning, it was around 4a, all of a sudden it hit me….I may not meet my personal goal I set for myself last year….I was to be at 199#’s by January 1st, 2017..I gave myself an entire year to do ….was doing really well too!!!  ..I hadn’t thought about it much in the last 3 months, obviously !!!  I went on an eating binge on my 6 week vacation…came home and have been beating around the bush so to speak, making excuses to why I couldn’t go to the gym, worked to hard outside, its hot, way to many to write on here… oh boo hoo for me….but I started adding up the days till 2017, and its just right around the corner ….aggghhhhhh   my heart started to beat faster, I got all pissed off at myself for sabotaging my goal…without even thinking about it….119 days till the New Year…87# to loose….doesn’t give me much time…if I can even do it….but you know what, I am going to give it the best damn chance I can….that’s a little over 25#’s a month…eeeek  I am not sure I can, but like the little train said –

I think I can – I think I can – I think I can…..

So starts the race to the New Year…not sure I will weigh until then…but then again I probably will, I like to watch the scale go down…incentive…my calorie total is 1337 today, all healthy, no eating after 6p and I got lots of exercise…whooo hoooo …over an hour at the gym, 40 minutes in the pool of exercise, and a good hour this morning of pure sweat equity put into our home…LOL

Here’s a picture of the sun setting on my way home from the pool…taken from the car driving home…the phone didn’t pick up the intense pink/orange color….


Until tomorrow…..

Thursday Already!!

Amazing how fast the week can go by…especially when I thought it was Friday on Monday…LOL   been a busy week…still working on the brick laying where the trees were…we re trying to do a little every morning when its cool enough to work outside, at least for us….we had the truck tuned up and had to take it out for a drive yesterday…we headed north and then took a side trip out into the desert, (on a county road) to Crystal Hill….it was beautiful out and we had a great morning playing…thought I would share some pictures….

14067539_10206932529691766_3706752057889336459_n14095821_10206932530011774_5974517895244013359_n14102227_10206932525371658_4028496927643835823_n Teddy Bear Chollo14045705_10206932529011749_6767758555847835921_n14102533_10206932528211729_8418048101391132386_n

Crystal Hill below…


This is a picture (below) is right outside of the pool wear I swim, there are a row of hills/mountains and if we have clouds, they are generally right along the hills…was a beautiful day…(Tuesday)


14141733_10206923657029955_8354869726854374134_nMy bedroom does not have a light switch, the switch is connected to a fan without a light…so until my son the electrician can come make switch magic happen, I did the next best, cheapest thing….yup..I bought a clapper…..Clap On-Clap Off..(anyone who has seen the commercials will definitely being singing that)  .LOL..I must say it works great…you say, why are you so lazy that you can’t turn on a light when you walk in the room, well a couple reasons, one, my bedroom is extremely dark, I have sun protectors on all the windows and the lamps are all well into the room so I have to enter a dark room, ( I am known to leave stuff lay around n the floor, trip hazard !)and 2nd, it actually irritates my arthritic fingers to turn the little nasty dial on the lamps….oh hum, life!!!  But hey…Clap On…Clap Off , I am golden!!!!

I have been doing okay..still have yet to loose a pound, I am counting calories and journaling, weighing in on Mondays…exercising in the pool, probably not enough, I have been eating 1200 – to 1500 calories a day all healthy food, lots of fruit/smoothies, salads, quinoa/rice and tons of vegies ….I need to start exercising, perhaps a gym run would help boost my energy level….however if you see how much I am sweating dealing with brick laying again …. I am getting over an hour, sometimes hour and half of an intense workout at least 4 days a week…I am moving bricks, shoveling sand/rocks from one place to another, at least that is what it seems like….so I will continue to trudge along….the weather is cooling off a little, I think that will help….

I am going to commit to blogging every day for a month again…I know that helps to journal on here….so until tomorrow…..


new-moon  Another reason to have a twirl under the big NEW MOON…..not that I need a reason, but new moons are just as magical as a full moons….so go out do a jig, twirl or full on move about….and think about what you would like the universe to know, help solve or just listen…..tonight I will have our friend Terry ( )   in my thoughts….asking the universe to care and heal him….and for out Oxford buddy, Cameron  (  )  for clear weather and a fantastic walk for his charity HENRY….I you have never visited these  2 wonderful men…go on over….read their blogs….they are a couple of good guys!!!   and as always clothes are optional while dancing tonight….LOL

Been a wonderfully hot weekend…LOL  up to 114 yesterday….been watching a lot of Copa America soccer on the TV, to hot to do much else…LOL  I have been able to stop eating the last 2 nights at 6p…feels good to get a little control over the inner rebel…calories  on Friday 1087 and yesterday 1323…so within my range…1000 to 1500…we are trying to get the freezer cleaned out as we leave in 3 weeks so its been pick and choose…LOL  so that’s a good thing…as I always make extra and freeze…I hate to say I haven’t been back to the gym….it just seems to hot to go work out in a hot gym….but I have been at the pool, with the exception of yesterday…just to hot…sounds crazy,you would think I would be there most the day…I will be there tonight for sure…I need to get a work out in and absorb some moisture…LOL   I can dance in the pool as I don’t go until the sun sets…LOL

Lifes good in desert paradise….looking forward to the new week….keep smiling and twirling…..LOL


Well its 109 today…..I was up early and did my morning chores outside, got the dishes done, lunch/dinner organized and all that fun stuff you don’t want to do in the heat of the day…LOL  I went swimming and did a good hour of constant exercise…around noon…it starts to really heat up after 2p…and I am not up to going after dark, well at least to the pool…I may hit the gym later tonight…since I can’t get up and go in the early morning…LOL  my calories are at 1600 today…I have moved my weights and blue ball into the living room and use that in the evening while I am watching tv…might as well as get an  arm/core workout while I am sitting on my arse…

Feeling good and staying hydrated…and inside keeping cool… I found these quotes on Facebook and thought I would share them with you all…..

13096321_10206653387637580_4689766751301675185_n13335570_10206680608878094_7571726253567661863_n13346690_1171782729548580_1988063936665844730_n  And this is my favorite…LOL

Keep cool my friends….kat

Well just came in from watching a great thunder and lightening storm from the deck….I love storms….hardly any rain,  just enough to make the ground wet….but different weather than sun….whoooo hoooo okay I have an update…its been slamming rain for about an hour now and no sign of it stopping….very exciting for us….lovin it…

Well my workout yesterday body has reminded me of how hard I pushed it…I went back to the way I worked out in Calif. start out light, move the weights up each set, ending pushing myself…LOL  I only did 12 reps per set, but I know that will increase…so I am feeling very confident about reaching my next goal….its all about discipline and  tenacity….so off to the gym in the morning &if my sinus are up to it off to the pool in the afternoon… I need to remember to keep my head above the water…water out of my ear canals….I hit 1800 calories again today….very satisfied, good healthy food….

Arthritis is acting up…weather change always gives me the heads up that its in control of my pain no matter what I take for it..!!

Just want to remind every one that the 21st is Full MOON night…LOL you all know what that means…..however when your out dancing in the moon light please think good thoughts for our Terry  (  lets help him and Gary sell that house so they can get on the road!!!  Can’t hurt….give a twirl…..only takes a minute…..

Until tomorrow……

Weigh in morning….

2#’s down….yay….I am feeling better…and noticing the loss…working really hard in the pool…I find that the time flies by jogging when your BS-ing with everyone…they are all floating around on there noodles…makes me laugh…I love talking with the older woman and men….its like a comedy skit….LOL   so that is helping…getting my late night waiting under control…so I know that is helping…all of your encouragement and kind words…I really do listen…and even try …LOL   that dam inner rebel..she’s got such a strong will…I am working hard to keep the bitch inline….LOL   but really I am excited about the weight loss and it really adds fuel to the fire….heading to the pool around 4p…suppose to crest 100 our today and I really don’t want to be in the will wait until it starts to set…hopefully the entire club won’t be thinking the same thing…LOL

arthritis is in check…how can it not in this kind of weather…LOL  my left knee lets me know if I have over used it in the pool, but I am paying attention…

Truck is in the shop getting her joints lubed and a full check up….so we should be able to go out next week and have a picnic at Palm Canyon

IMG_3843palm canyon20111211Kofa04N These are off the internet…I will take pictures to share after we go..looks like a fun place….I have been extremely surprised at every place we have gone into, so beautiful and it actually feels like its another planet…can’t wait…

With that I am going to leave you with a few pictures of one of my favorite places…Monument Valley…on the border of Arizona and Utah….really it is another planet….if you have never visited I suggest you pan to go…we are planning to head up in a week or so for a few days….sooooo incredibly beautiful….As you can see I got these off the internet…this is really where John Wayne made his movies way back when….I will work on find my pictures….they are stored on an external device….until then…you have thses


The Grand Canyon, this is what Arizona is famous for…its on all our license plates..


And Horse Shoe Canyon right above the Grand Canyon in Utah…13055541_888291194650129_2793824724954429884_n

Have a great day….I am!!!!

Just got home from the pool….spent 2-1/2 hours swimming and exercising….got a good 40 minutes in before anyone showed up….I also jogged 20 minutes so that felt good…can’t believe how refreshing the water is in the evening…I got a call from the gym…apparently something happen to the trainer, she could just be on vacation, but I would of thought that would of been blocked off the schedule…anyway I was told she was going to be gone for the next 2 weeks.(sorry they couldn’t tell me why-HIPPA), they were sorry…I was really looking forward to working with her tomorrow on a game plan….guess I will just go in and do the circuit by myself to the best of my ability…can’t hurt anything…LOL I could also just work out on the floor on the machines…lots of options…food has been great today…at 1483, so I am happy with that…only had some hummus and pretzels tonight, that put me over 250 calories…for some reason I thought it was only 120 calories…that’s what I get for going on what I thought…LOL I ate at 4p before I went swimming and had the pretzel snack pack when I got home…otherwise I was going to eat another sandwich and it was way to late to do that…tomorrow is weigh in day…kind-a excited to see what I have done this week…

Well I believe summer has hit the desert….suppose to be over a 100 tomorrow and the next day…then will settle into the 90’s during the day and still cooling off into the 70’s at night…but that will change very soon….so it will be late swimming for me….I don’t like to be in the hot sun for long…

The last 3 days have been insane with truck hunting….I know more than I have ever wanted to know about 4 wheel drives and trucks in general…LOL  yesterday and the day before we spent over 5 hours ach day going to dealers, used car lots, and going to see some being sold privately…. we checked out a jeep wrangler…totally fell in love with it, but it was a manual…and our old knees just won’t take that anymore…but it was fun…we then thought about it and the best bet would be a truck so we could use it to haul stuff too!!!  so after much calling and scouring Yuma Craig’s list adds, we found a 2001 Dodge Dakota – 4 wheeler….we can know go out and play in the sand in the desert and go on the dirt roads that are so bad for my car..We are having a once over on it tomorrow at a shop to make sure we don’t get stranded miles from no where and then we will be a little more free to go roam….can’t wait…

The_White_Knight_001.jpg  Picture off the internet….

We were up early and drove to San Luis this morning before 8a to look at a red Toyota….it was 26 miles south of us, a border town…I guess he couldn’t put that the engine light was on….he had removed the catalytic convertor, said it got dirty and since there is no  emission testing in Yuma County he didn’t need it….hummmm so that was a no…but got to see the border of Mexico in the early morning…long line going in and coming out, I am assuming workers…We did learn that in Arizona, the MVD (Motor Vehicle Division) aka DMV, requires a title to be notarized to be sold…no bill of sale needed as there is no tax, you just pay for the registration fees and we have 15 days to show proof of insurance…we walked away with a new license plate, the old one is garbage…the title, tags and registration….no waiting 6 months like in California….its all done in one stop!!!   How nice…and it only cost $39 dollars….I was shocked….LOL  they will even notarize the titles for free if you ever want to sell the vehicle….I love it….however Pima county, Tucson and Phoenix have  the smog program in there county…I am loving this state more every day….

Well its late…for me anyway….until tomorrow….


It’s Happening….


Well I did it…finally visited the last gym Yuma has to offer…and wouldn’t you know…its the best of them all and the cheapest…LOL  So I now have a membership to a gym again ($10 a month – 24/7)…I am jumping with joy…. they have a huge amount of free access to multiple machines to use as long as you want…then they have 2 separate circuit set ups…one is a 13 minute routine and the other 30 minute….kind of excited about both of those…I get a free session with a trainer to set up a routing…I will accept that even though I had a trainer at home for 3 months…I will go through the course to get all the info I can on there gym….and there are free classes offered…I haven’t had a chance to check them out yet….I am very excited, can you tell…LOL   My wonderful husband is on board completely….the only downside is no pool, but I have a great pool to work out in, just at a different location…oh well…its all good….I am so jacked I want to go to the gym tonight…but its mothers day and I have claimed it my day…had dinner at the Olive Garden early, tight when they opened at 11a to beat the crowds…it was insane at 11a…but we got right in and had a lovely lunch……yummm then we went house hunting and dreaming of the area we would want to live in ….that was fun….and educating…went by and checked on some friends house that have gone home for the summer…been a lovely day…ended with an ice cream and my pajamas….I hope everyone had a wonderful mum’s day….I know I did!!…



Well its been an interesting day….Dr. Jonathan, @ –

sent me a note –

Since we have a WordPress relationship I would like to ask you a question. Naturally, you are not obligated in any way to answer if you aren’t comfortable.
When my patients used to tell me they really weren’t hungry and kept their calories restricted (around 1200 calories,) I used to ask them why they felt they were not losing weight in the manner they desired. I have learned that perception and reality can vary greatly. You are active, happy, responsible about exercise and calorie consumption, yet something seems to be interfering with your goals. My question is, what do you think is impeding your progress?
I ask out of concern and a desire to understand the complexities of people to better help those in need and looking for answers. Again, I completely respect your right to privacy and will continue our wordpress relationship regardless.

My reply:

You make me smile….always hit the nail on the head don’t you….I haven’t been completely honest with myself….I have to stop eating late…I do my blog and poof I sit back to watch tv and my food addiction starts…..before I curbed with popsicles…can’t seem to get into them again…so I am afraid my late night munching is effecting my weight loss….whew glad I good say that out loud…I am not a closet eater, just can’t seem to get the late night eating under control again….before I would stand up and don 20 knee lifts every time I wanted to eat at night…that was a good cure all…..not sure why I can’t get back at it….I am loosing…but at a snails pace….I do wonderful up until I am sitting here alone in front of the boob tube…I know I hear you….turn it off and go to bed….maybe that’s the answer….so in all reality my calories at the time I blog are at that number, then I start to eat….I have to say that I haven’t gone over 1600calories all week, so I am doing way better…blogging helps…today I am at 1240 and its 2p…I plan to have some zucchini, which I love, later and that will bring my calorie quota up to 1320….I am so happy that you wrote to me, as I feel I can own it and will not eat more that that today….I will go back to doing the leg lifts…nothing like curbing the desire to eat than exercise…LOL.thank you jonathan…I hoped I answered your question…if not let me know what more you would like to know….mostly I can say I am a food a-holic and man its tuff to kick old habits….xxkat

And then:


Just wanted to say thank you again for helping me face my demon/rebel that seems to take over my sensible side….after I sent the last note I went and got a very serious workout in the pool for over an hour and have started doing what I know I should be doing….20+ knee lifts every time I think I need to go get something to eat…I am in charge and am totally aware of what I have to do…thank you again Jonathan…you may not think you did anything but ask me why and to share, but you opened up my eyes to what I need to do…and stop beating around the bush, its all about hard work…no one else can do it for me….thank you my friend…kat

So its been a day of soul searching and getting a grip on the late night eating…its working so far…its 7:30p and I am well on to my way to 100 knee lifts…LOL  time to get back to being in complete control and totally honest with myself and all of you…not that I have purposely lied to anyone, but since I haven’t been honest with myself , that means that I haven’t been with you all as well….for that I am sorry…didn’t mean too…its weigh in tomorrow –  I am excited to see if I am at least the same as last week…I had lost 1 pound on Friday when I checked so I am hoping I am at least even or less….no fingers crossed…it will be what it is….but I can guarantee that I am back in control and will not be swayed anymore by my inner rebel, that bitch is back where she belongs….I sit here shaking my head, I am 59 and have overcome huge obstacles in my life, but flash a frigin piece of bread, popcorn, ice cream or anything else that’s eatable and I am a goner… I have said it before and I will say it once again….hopefully for the last time…

Hello my name is Kathy and I am a food a-holic…..
