
12106729_10204921445455917_2377877269605823466_n Another beautiful sunset…I can’t get enough..

Good day besides sleeping in…I have been having a bit of the night owl syndrome…can’t get to sleep until after midnight… up and at em this morning…made a big batch of baked chicken breast and carrots…waited for my husband MD office to open at 10:30, must be nice…anyway made him an appointment and then I was off to the gym…had a great work out…always helps to see your results….makes you push harder and stronger… got a good sweat on and even had a good burn going on my legs….OMG I am using gym talk…LOL  then off to the pool…switched it up a little, doing a good 15 minute jog then 15 minutes of water aerobics and then back to another 15 minutes jog….so I was at the gym for a couple hours today…felt good…

Arthritis is there…I am not sure if loosing weight has caused my hip joint to act up, but I am unable to sleep on one of my hips….not sure why…still working on that one…exercise doesn’t hurt it, more when I lay down…Hummmm….I’ll figure it out…

Food is way better today, even thought I was under my 1000 calories yesterday I was at the high end of the carb range….but today I was low, and high on my protein…yay….but alls good…doing well…

sitting here yawning so heading to bed…

until tomorrow….

Wednesday…for no better title…just found this…Aghhhhh

Been a great day…stayed home all day, didn’t go near the car..LOL  seems like Mon and Tuesday was spent away from the house….and I am a homebody…I love being home doing this and that…playing in the garden…I have several projects going on so working on them….even got a song or two out on the piano….

Been a great day in the kitchen….I have come in at 848 calories…stopped eating at 5:30p, no hunger pangs…still using popsicles in the evening to curb the late nigh eating urges…so really happy about that….amazing how much you can eat when its fresh vegies…LOL

My arthritis is doing good…I had to pass on a couple machines at the gym as they were to much for my shoulder joints and its a no brainer about machines that would hurt my knee…amazing to see how weak and painful some of my joints are…I have really noticed my hand strength is so bad…I used to be the one who could open all the jars…difficult to even open water bottles…really pisses me off…aging is no fun and its really hard to do gracefully….at least with the weight I have lost my knee is feeling the difference…it isn’t swelling as much and the morning ache is better…YAY…I just went and bought a new pair of Birkenstocks and the lady couldn’t believe how swollen my left foot was, I told her its on my arthritic knee side so my entire leg is affected…Birks has a new heel in there shoes, its like memory foam so it feels like your walking on sponge (kind of)….very nice…the prices are just as high if not higher…but can’t beat my grey/blue Arizona’s….

Dog is doing great….were moving to my room for the remaining of the ordeal…I am not sleeping well on the mattress in the living room and my health is just as important as hers!!!

Off to the gym in the morning…..and then the pool…I have the trainer at 9a….and have signed up for 2 more sessions next week then will beg off till after the New Year and then I will re-evaluate where I am at and really it will depend on how I am doing….I feel I am getting a lot of knowledge and she is answering all my questions, and last session she was very thoughtful about my arthritis…we passed on a couple machines she thought I might want to try….but no thank you…no trying something I know will hurt….so excited about going to the gym….and getting into the pool….been awhile since I made it to the pool…been dealing with life…booooo!!!!

So until tomorrow……


Not quite the way I wanted to start the morning….but I did get a work out in…just not as early as I would of like to…it was so hot last night, sleep didn’t come until after midnight and I turned off the 5a alarm…so at the gym at 9:30a good workout…no pool, the kids get Sunday all day so I passed…then off to the coast…set up the RV awning and sat in the cool breeze for hours, enjoyed the company of my sweetheart, had lunch and read a few chapters in my book…there were so many people at the beach it was crazy….

Great food day….under my 1000 cal quota….

life’s good, happy and getting healthy…

Until tomorrow



I have seen this on FB and on another WP site (eatinglikethefrench), I love it….my sentiments exactly….

Another extremely warm day in sunny Cal. and most of us are whining about it…LOL  it hit 92′ and suppose to cool off tomorrow…yay….I am ready for a cool ocean breeze and fog….hopefully this is the end of the heat for this year!!

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Went to the doctor for my eye and sinus, going to see an eye  specialist to make sure its nothing more that allergies and as far as my sinus’s I am using the medication’s I always use and seem to be getting better…apparently the medical “whom ever makes up the rules”  has ruled that sinusitis has to have been going on for 10 days before they want antibiotics used, she is ruled by a large company….nice huh…I feel for MDs when they can’t think for themselves…so my symptoms were not bad enough to warrant antibiotics…and I do feel better today…so I am back to the same regime I have been doing…

Didn’t make it to the gym today..I went yesterday and it wiped me out, and I really didn’t do anything but bob around in the pool,(I did 15 minutes of water aerobics, it was hard but I did it) and use the hot tub….I came home and slept for hours…so I am taking a break till Monday and get my sinus’s under control… I meet with my new trainer on Tuesday and would like to do it without a sinus headache…LOL

Food has been good…went out for breakfast…and just had a big bowl of fresh fruit so I am done for the day, I used….852 calories….I am not expecting a big weight loss this week, I have kept my calories under 1060 all except one day, but I have done little else for exercise other than get up and sit, go out for lunch and sit or to the beach and sit some more..LOL…plus with the extreme heat its hard to lose weight when your body is retaining water…boo hoo for me…I really am whining a lot lately…sorry about that…I normally just say I am fine and carry on..


Must say something about the date…9-11, I am sadden on this day and have been talking with friends and family about the NY Towers…the families and men and women in NY who were left to deal with the aftermath are in my thoughts today…I can’t imagine what they have been through all these years….

Until tomorrow


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Bodega Bay

Well got up, packed a healthy lunch and  cut up big bowl of watermelon and headed to the beach in our RV….found a great spot to park, put out the awning, pulled out the chairs and there we sat….relishing in the cool ocean breeze, it never was over 71′  while it was a blistering 102′ back at the house….5hrs of good company (my sweetheart, and met some nice people from Atlanta and Munich), yummy lunch, a nap and as a bonus watched about 20 whales that decided to give us show….they were eating right out in front of us…a couple breached and gave us all a show…really spectacular….We came home to 101’…suppose to be hotter tomorrow…Aghhh I am thinking the beach would work for me again…

Right at my 1000cal quota @ 1032 so only over by 32calories….not bad…I didn’t make it to the gym today, it was all about staying cool…LOL  However, I have an appointment with my new trainer, she called and we had a phone conference this morning, she sounded like she understood what I was looking for…so meeting with her on Tuesday morning and start the next part of journey real exercise….LOL….I am actually very excited….

I am fighting off a sinus infection, I don’t do well with dust and mucking out  my office, literally did me in…LOL  so nasal rinses, hot packs & Tylenol for the head, ziacam nasal spray followed up with vicks….I will see my MD on Friday to check on one of my eyes, its doing weird things, I am pretty sure its allergies, hope so well really have my fingers crossed on that one…I hate dealing with medical crap…at least arthritis is still under control…my hands seem a little swollen tonight…not sure why could be the beat.,or when I am not feeling well my arthritis always rears its ugly head and seems to be more that I have written that I am sure that is why my hands are swollen and sore….that’s why I am blogging…it helps me to put it in words….its like I am talking it over with someone….I love it when it happens….

so until tomorrow…

Raining at the Coast….

Better than smoke and 100′ degree weather in Idaho…..we are sitting at Cape Kiwanda RV resort and its foggy and actually raining…almost cold enough to put on the heater…LOL  we drove 20 miles up the road from Lincoln City and are in Pacific City….we drove all around and checked out the houses for sale of the share rentals…even found a man selling fresh vegies and fruits out of his truck and was able to restock out tomatoes and I even found a Vidalia sweet onion…I can eat those like an apple which is what I have been doing…LOL  We also stopped at the Grateful Dead bakery…..yum is all I can say…they make the best scones….and the place was packed on a Friday morning….I have been a little over indulgent today…scones and a burger for lunch….I think I am done for the day….only water and lite lemonade for the rest of the day…

I can defiantly feel my joints today….the swimming pool is crawling with kids since its raining and the beach is empty,  stopped counting at 22…so not sure I will make it there today, there’s an hour in the  morning for adults so I will get there at 8a tomorrow….should all be good… I will add a few more photos….

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My husbands a little grumpy about the weather, but I am in heaven…love the coast….

So until tomorrow…..