Back on track…

Well back on track and doing well…just had my dinner, somewhat of a chef salad, minus the egg, and heavy dressing…and I am well under 1000 cal @ 930 cal…and full….I feel like I am back in control and back on my journey to health..went out today looking for a patio swing and ended up at Costco….I did really well, I touched several items I love, but left without them…did pick up some yummy cherry tomatoes…

Arthritis is lovin the weather….it was 90′ today and only going to get hotter until Wednesday…Its still 89 at 6p….its getting cooler at night…was 49′ last night…cool enough to close the window halfway…but the knee, joints and hands are all happy….

Getting my yard in order, my cousin watered and took wonderful care of the yard….I have been exchanging some of my cactus around…and going to tear out a box full of aloe vera that is begging for more room and turn in into another rock bed…right now I am trying to get to the ant nest that has taken over part of my rock bed….it might be to hot this week to do much with the succulents…

Can’t wait for the gym to reopen…Tuesday morning at 6a….I will be there ready to hit the pool….I went there the morning after we got home…the workers must of thought I lost my mind…I parked got all my stuff organized and then finally took a really good look…was it the giant dumpster pulled in to the front door…LOL  anyway I drove away trying to remember the dates the told me it was going to be under renovation…yes it was over labor day weekend… so called to get the opening date and I can’t wait…

Life is good, things are changing on my body….my wedding rings are loose enough to take off anytime of the day or night…that is new…I can cut my toenails even more easy than a few weeks ago…its not a major pain to do it…all sorts of clothing is starting to get loose, some are actually baggy….I bought a smaller size sweat shirt jacket at the kite festival….yeah…seems for years all I have done it bought larger sizes…my double chin is slowly disappearing…I can scoot the seat in all the vehicles forward and put down the steering wheels….my energy level is crazy…up at dawn, no naps and to bed around 10p….starting to go through more closets and cupboards, I feel like I am getting my old life back…I know everyone says that…and then we say…why didn’t I do this earlier…LOL

until tomorrow

Heading Home….

11960230_10204680417310364_1510093310042791842_nAt East Beach on Lake Crescent looking for stuff on the beach… after big wind, rain storm…sky was beautiful..

We are starting our journey home in the morning….we are going to try to beat the weekend crowds….Labor Day….we do not want to be on the roads….Certainly having a great time here in the North West…rain, wind and all….

Well my calorie intake is at the top of the quota….1500 to 2000 calories….so as soon as we get back on the road…I will get back to my 1000 cal quota….I have given myself permission to enjoy my sisters…but still counting every morsel, I have been mostly between 1200 to 1500 cal but the lemon meringue pie put me over the top…

Arthritis is about the same, my shoulders are the most painful, my hands are doing okay, I think that loosing weight and up-ing my intake of herbs and spices are keeping my pain at bay mostly… life is good….

I can’t wait to get home and get back to the gym and into a routine, I miss the pool and am going to hire a trainer to help me set up a routine to go through when I get there, I don’t want to have to think, just do it….then do my pool exercised and be done…I am hoping that my mind set about exercise will change, but it never has, positive attitude however is already there…just never been a fan….I used to jog in my way younger years, and ran track in school…but after hurting my ankle that stopped my jogging and then the weight gain, well history is just that history…so I am here to get as healthy as I can at this point in my life….my journey to a better health…

so not sure If I will have any wifi on the way home…

so until then…

Happy Fourth of July

Can’t beat Johnny Cash and his Rugged Old Flag song for the Fourth of July weekend…

ENJOY THE WEEKEND EVERYONE….Safe and Sane should be on all our minds…its dry out there….

Doing well today after a slow morning…getting a lot done, cleaning house, repotting plants, restocking the cupboards from the pantry…Enjoying the nice cool day we are having…yesterday I woke up feeling ready to go, awake and alert, happy and humming songs….last night I had a cheese sandwich at 9p, (still in my calorie range)….however when I woke up this morning, I had a carb hangover, I could barely get it out of bed at 9a, I need to go back to no eating after 6p, it seems to work for me… after a shower, coffee and vitamins I finally got the pep back in my step…got a lot of work done today I was putting off…

Good calorie intake so far….going back to 4 hours in-between eating again…otherwise its to easy to just keep eating, I am allowing myself to have iced coffees, vitamin waters, water and I made lite minute maid popsicles so I can have as many of those as I want…they are only 5 calories, and its a great substitute if I feel the need to eat….the rebel in me has been fighting with me all week about how I shouldn’t deprive myself of anything!! no matter!!   So between fighting the cravings and urges I mentally feel like a rag at the end of the day sometimes…I am not a weak person mentally,  but when it comes to food, my addiction takes over and I crumble easy….staying on top of it all; part of the process of getting on to a healthy journey….but why does it have to be so frigin hard!?!!  Why isn’t it as easy to loose weight as gain?….the pendulum does not swing fairly…just sayin…

so until tomorrow….

Balanced….yet again

well I had a bad night last night…getting up to early is taking a toll on my eating habits….maybe that’s just an excuse but it happened just the same…so I tried to stay up late so I wouldn’t be awake so early made it to 1a…however, didn’t work, I stayed in bed after I woke up at 5a, 6a, 8a and I had a phone call at 10a so crawled out of bed….been a great day still have over 300 calories and its 8p…so I have done well today…I must say that it helped to have an email from another blogger,    Master a healthy habit

well worth reading, It talked to me and set me back on my journey…so thank you Meg….and thank you, for reposting her post to your blog….

Everything else is going well…my son and his wife are having a trip of a  life time, he has been texting me and sending me pictures….so I feel loved and blessed to have such a thoughtful son…

looking forward to Wednesday….so until then…


Woke up, again, realizing that, again, I am wasting what time I have left on my journey here on mother earth….again!!!  So it is 9:30p and I have met my 1200 calorie intake for my first day…again…yes one day at a time…but how frigin many start overs am I going to get before all the bad things catch up with me….heart disease, diabetes, strokes, leg joints finally give up on me…just to name a few!!! ..I am not looking for pity and I am not whining, well maybe a little…again, but yet again accepting the fact I am walking on a very tight rope….you can only be obese for so long before the body starts to rebel….so yes, again. I am back at square one on my journey to good health….I will report to myself every night for a week as this blogging does help me….words on paper, truth, honesty, never hurts to write it done and read and reread it until it sticks…. so again….here we go…..