IMG_20160108_195641478My office until the furniture gets here….LOL  I know your going… really black covers over the light switches and plugs….well they all need to be replaced, receptacles and covers…as they say –  Rome was not built in a day!!!   and the lace curtain are extra long as we only have 7′ ceilings and I am thinking they will need to be hemmed…..oh hum….some day….LOL  maybe I will get lucky and set something in front of them….LOL   the brown thing on the floor is a blanket for the dog…she loves her beds….


New vinyl in the kitchen , same in the bathroom and the Arizona room, opps  I lost internet service for 2.5 days….guess its the same no matter where you live…LOL  so I will get back to this post….we have the RV totally unloaded and have started putting away the boxes we brought in it…the furniture should be here this week sometime…we are going to get the furniture on the patio loaded back into the Arizona room, the desks and a table and chairs that came with the place….its starting to feel like home…we are using the RV as a bedroom, can’t wait until the bed arrives and we can actually stay inside to sleep too!!!

Went and visited the gym/pool I was talking about….not really impressed…hardly any equipment and the pool was dirty…the hot tub looked more like a bathtub (size wise) 45$ a month….kinda spendy for what you get…so we are going to go check out the other gym with a pool later today…back on the 1000 cal quota and it feels good…..see if I can get rid of the extra weight I gained over the holiday/move…it has helped to be able to have a fully working kitchen….we have been stopping at all the local vegetable stands….lemons a huge bag, big juicy lemons for 2$ but can’t find a decent tomato in town…LOL  guess you have to go with the flow of what you’ve got at your fingertips…exercise still eludes me, I am getting some exercise just moving boxes and raking leaves and getting on with life…I am definitely not sitting around on a couch….since its not here…LOL   you seen my make shift office, kitchen table and all around sitting room…LOL  just add another chair and table for my husband…..

well its after 8a and time to get going…need to return a coupe items to home depot and stop by the bank…

until tomorrow……